Director Vetrimaran's 'Vada Chennai' starring Dhanush in lead role, was launched in the mid of 2016 and the first part of this trilogy was supposed to be completed but things did not go as planned.
Addressing media persons on the sideline of the grand audio launch function of 'VIP 2' in Mumbai. Dhanush patiently answered a lot of questions posed by journalists and while doing so, he revealed the current status and the reason for delay in 'Vada Chennai'.
"90% of work is completed for 'Vada Chennai'. We have some 15 days of shoot to be canned. The film should have been completed already but it got delayed since 'Visaranai' got nominated for Oscar. Vetrimaran had to go and stay there for around three months and promote the film. After this three months delay I had to complete other films also. So we could not complete 'Vada Chennai' at one stretch as planned. But the film has come out really well. You all know that I have been speaking a lot about it. Its a dream film. We just have 10-15 days of shoot in which i will have to sport a different getup. I will start that immediately completing my portions for the English film for which I am currently shooting for." the actor-producer of the film added.
Dhanush also said all the three parts of the 'Vada Chennai' trilogy will have its own conclusion and yet there will be a continuation. He also said he will be sporting many getups the three films.
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