Superstar Rajinikanth's next Tamil film, to be produced by his son-in-law Dhanush, has been officially titled "Kaala Karikaalan". Actor Dhanush unveiled the film's title and first-look poster last Thursday and it is going viral everywhere.
Anything related to superstar
Rajinikanth is news.
The recently released poster from 'Kaala' has not only trending worlwide, this has aroused curiosity of Anand Mahindra, Executive Chairman of Mahindra Group. And it’s not the story or Rajinikanth’s character that’s got Mahindra curious, but the vehicle featured in the poster. Rajinikanth can be seen sitting on a Thar, the flagship production of his Mahindra company. He believes that the Thar used for the photo-shoot has become an artefact of sorts that is worth preserving in the museum.
Anand Mahindra tweeted a poster of
the movie saying: “Whoever knows the whereabouts of the Thar used for this
shoot please let us know. I’d like to acquire it for our company auto museum.”
Buoyed by Anand’s enthusiasm,
Dhanush assured the head of the Mahindra Group that he will make sure the
vehicle reaches him after they complete shooting with it. “Thank you so much
sir !!! The vehicle is being used by superstar for shoot currently. Once
completed will ensure it reaches you (sic),” Dhanush tweeted at Anand.
“Fanatastic. Or maybe I should
say-Wunderbar! Appreciate the response @dhanushkraja Good luck to you and the
team,” Anand wrote back
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