Blaaze has always been one of Tamil Nadu's most favorite rappers, and we have always enjoyed his collaborations with music directors like AR Rahman and Yuvan Shankar Raja. We got a chance to interact with him in an exclusive interview and talk to him about his experience of working in the upcoming magnum opus, 2.0! He also met Rajinikanth recently, and this is what he had to say about his meeting with the superstar.
''For so many years, even though I have rapped many times for him, I had never met him. This time, since I am working in 2.0, I went and met him. It was a blessing when Rahman sir called me and said we would go to the shooting spot and meet him. Madhan Karky and I went and met Shankar sir. They had erected a set resembling a city, there was also green screen here and there, and there was an army tank, and Rajini sir was sitting inside the tank, and in that particular shot, he had to turn left and right like a robot.
After the shot, Shankar sir came and asked us if we can now write the song. But then I didn't want to move, I wanted to watch Rajini sir, and I told Shankar sir that I had never met him and was shocked that I hadn't met him yet. He then took us to his caravan, and It was incredible. It was me who spoke to him about the Baba rap and the Sivaji rap, he would just laugh in his style and that itself was a blessing.''
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