Vishal met Mathialagan, head of CBFC, at the Shastri Bhavan today June 30th 2017. He had spoken to the CBFC head regarding a few changes required for the benefit of the film industry. Firstly he asked for a speedy and easier film certification process by the CBFC. Next, he asked for the censor board to accept films 1 month before the release date proposed instead of 1 week ahead of it’s release to avoid release issues.
Thirdly, he felt that the GST process has made Tamil industry a risky environment and feels that it will lead to big losses for makers. He mentioned that they had talked about this to the Central government several times and requested them continually for a change to be made and hopes for an amendment very soon for the welfare of everybody. He also mentioned about a letter signed by Kamal Haasan that had been sent to the Finance minister, Arun Jaitley.
Thirdly, he felt that the GST process has made Tamil industry a risky environment and feels that it will lead to big losses for makers. He mentioned that they had talked about this to the Central government several times and requested them continually for a change to be made and hopes for an amendment very soon for the welfare of everybody. He also mentioned about a letter signed by Kamal Haasan that had been sent to the Finance minister, Arun Jaitley.
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